I also like how you can add zipcodes or location names as a path and it returns that. At least it works with zipcodes, cities, airport codes, landmarks. Not sure what else.
Using this, I found out it was currently raining in Paris. And then saw that the thunder was rendered as emojis.
I wonder what other options there are... for example, I'm in the US, so it returns temperature in Fahrenheit even if I requested information about France. Are there options to change this?
But, all in all, this is really nice and polished.
Using this, I found out it was currently raining in Paris. And then saw that the thunder was rendered as emojis.
I wonder what other options there are... for example, I'm in the US, so it returns temperature in Fahrenheit even if I requested information about France. Are there options to change this?
But, all in all, this is really nice and polished.