It's not that easy. Take into consideration spreading of sensors like light/water/gas/sewerage meters, which report measurements to a central SCADA. I touched that around a decade ago, I had to build link with the meters with AT commands through GSM with modbus protocol on top of that.
These days it's a grown-ass market with competition and much more advanced toys involved. You turn on water, they know timings and how much you used. You use more electricity, they call you to suggest a different plan. You used drugs and flushed, they find metabolites in sewerage sensors (I heard that on news, dunno maybe bs).
So I think it's basically about bills; cameras in toilets are different market.
Blur your face if you wish.
There is no danger for you. No data I can use against you.
Will you do it?
Most people would not.
What you decide to be private is, just because you decide it.
MS doesn't get to decide that.