I doubt if Nintendo really deserves that appraisal. Breath of the Wild was hardly revolutionary, having come just a couple years after Witcher 3. Rather even Sega has been more innovative pouring money into places like Amplitude, Relic and Creative Assembly.
Perhaps Obsidian is one studio/producer that keeps turning out outstanding experiences for so many years.
The only real point of comparison between Witcher 3 and Breath of the Wild is that they’re both open world games that reward exploration. Witcher 3 executed that beautifully, but hardly invented it. Breath of the Wild is not only a very different experience, but took a big risk by breaking with the old school Zelda formula. It may not be to your taste, but the Witcher comparison misses the mark.
Perhaps Obsidian is one studio/producer that keeps turning out outstanding experiences for so many years.