Wow - the first thing it does is to ask you to give your name and take a photo of yourself, then it shares it with random strangers without warning or asking your permission or giving a way to delete it.
probably more unpleasant for the people w/in 100 feet of me as I accidentally snapped a quick photo of my coin purse... (hopefully it doesn't get mistaken for an ariel photo of Iraq again)
That bugged me too. Turns out you can swipe to delete the photo in one of the views. The photo still shows up in some other views so I'm not entirely sure it did anything.
Agree. I found the UI to be generally unintuitive: lots of new icons that didn't immediately mean anything to me, the groups seem to create and disappear and not mean anything. I spent 5-10 minutes with it and didn't get it - not good for an iOS app.
Pretty unpleasant initial experience!