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Hey, just gonna take this opportunity to plug my very similar project for Diablo 1: https://github.com/wheybags/freeablo

I'll take this opportunity to plug my project that I used to build plugins for Diablo 2: https://github.com/blurt/X86.Interop/

You can use this library to interop between C# and x86 assembly under a Windows process.

Going to use this opportunity to plug someone else's Diablo 2 clone written in C++ that's been around for a few years: https://github.com/eezstreet/OpenD2


Since it's written in C++, does it compile to WebAssembly?

I guess it could, but I haven't tried yet. It uses SDL and opengl, which I gather are well supported. You'd still need to load the original assets though, so it would maybe be more useful as a demo with some new assets.

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