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But abstractions done right, can really help with refactoring.

But this is hard to do. I once made a major feature change - where I feared the consequences and bugtracking afterwards - but it worked like a charme, because the complex abstractions I made in the beginning, really helped, so it was done in a couple of days and not weeks or months, like I thought. I was really proud of my older me, that day.

Only, like you said, when you have layer of layer of abstractions, the problems rise. When you really have to dig in to understand what is going on. Or when the abstractions are simply not helpful for the new change, which happens way too often, too.

"Code is a liability. Be sparse. Build with some flexibility but overall just build what is required and when the future comes, change with it"

So yes, I very much agree to that.

I definitely agree with that, and there's an art to getting abstractions right :)

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