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The short answer is: don't design for future use-cases.


Instead, only build what you need to solve the problems you have in-hand, but do so in such a way that your software and your systems are as easy to change as possible in the future.

Because you very, very rarely know what your future use-cases really are. Markets change over time, and your understanding of the market will also shift, both because some of your assumptions were wrong, and because you can never really have a total understanding of such a complex phenomenon.

Your business needs will change as well; your top priority from 2019 is likely very different than it is today.

That is why you build to embrace change, rather than barricade against it.

As to how, I'd start with Sandi Metz's 99 Bottles of OOP: https://www.sandimetz.com/99bottles

Learning to write readable code is also pretty important; Clean Code is a good starting point (https://amzn.to/3168z3A), but I'd be keen to know of any shorter books that cover the same materials.

Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided By Tests (GOOSGT) is a good read as well: https://amzn.to/3du1sEL

Reading Sandi Metz is like walking into a beautifully tidy room. I can’t explain it any better than that. +1 on that book and POODR.


The new requirements you will need to implement are probably unknown right now.

If your code has no extra fat, it will be easier to adapt.

I disagree on Clean Code. It puts too much importance on superficial "5 easy steps" points that put too much priority on the wrong things. Reading quality open source code is a better way of getting that understanding IMO.

This #2

If you learn anything by having super complex software that tried to anticipate future needs is that you rarely get it right.

Write the code for the problem you have today. Pay attention that, by the choices you make, you don’t walk yourself into a corner.

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