I think OP is saying "without writing my own code and scripts to tie a bunch of tools together, I can't seem to do what I want".
Which is true. There is no software I can see today which you can open a text file, select a font, choose a page size, and click "Print" and have a plotter do the drawing, just like Microsoft Word can do with a regular printer.
In a way this is because 3D printers and plotters decided to have their own custom tooling and protocols (GCode isn't really a standard, since it is so machine specific), unlike printers where a PDF file will print on any printer pretty much.
I don’t think you will find a Microsoft solution to this. But that Python script can take in SVG. On the other hand you have easy speech to text software. I am not super familiar with text layout tools, but I am almost certain there are multiple approaches you can take to generate a paginated SVG from text with a given font and text file. HTML to PDF via wkhtmltopdf can certainly do that, and I suspect GraphicMagick can take a PDF and spit out a path only SVG.
This isn’t the fault of 3D printers and their firmware. This is lack of understanding which parts of the tool chain do what. You wouldn’t expect a regular laser printer to recognize your speech, right? Most of them don’t do fonts either. And every single printer uses a different set of firmware and a different driver. By comparison, 3D printers use only about 5 common variants of GCode, of which GRBL and Marlin compatible ones are the most common by far. You can use multiple different slicers to produce tool paths for any given printer and printers from multiple manufacturers use compatible or identical firmware, guaranteeing that you don’t need to update drivers because that concept doesn’t exist. 3D printers came later and were able to avoid the many mistakes that 2d printers made. Everything is open source, everything is compatible and kept up to date, and even the hardware is abstracted away: you can swap in a 32 bit board for an 8 bit board, wire it up, change your architecture target, compile, and your printer will run as before. Have you ever tried putting a new board from an HP into a Canon printer? I doubt you’d ever be able to do that.
Best of luck and I hope you find a solution. As I mentioned in my other comment, the only part of this I don’t know for sure is how to convert a written page to a path only SVG. I suspect GraphicMagick can do it. If so, your toolchain will be speech to text (pick your favorite one or use e.g. an Amazon Echo and a custom skill), text to HTML (with a stylesheet that sets the correct page size and your custom handwriting font), HTML to PDF using wkhtmltopdf, PDF to path only SVG using GM, SVG to GCode using the script from my link above or another similar tool, and OctoPrint or similar to drive the plotter remotely. You could likely bang this out in a day with a bash script.
I am actually curious, how much would you pay for a complete solution like this? Also this is definitely inspiring me to add a pen attachment to my 3D printer and try some plotter stuff.
Im probably a cheapskate. Hence me buying the Chinese knock off vs the actual axidraw or similar.
But if I can feed a page size in inches with 0.5 inch margins on all sides and have a given PDF or text doc printed, I'd pay 300-450 for a given product if it existed, if only to have this project off my plate.
I know if it ever did exist it would be 2k like one of those fancy fully automatic book scanners but I suppose I could dream
Which is true. There is no software I can see today which you can open a text file, select a font, choose a page size, and click "Print" and have a plotter do the drawing, just like Microsoft Word can do with a regular printer.
In a way this is because 3D printers and plotters decided to have their own custom tooling and protocols (GCode isn't really a standard, since it is so machine specific), unlike printers where a PDF file will print on any printer pretty much.