Mapillary is/was a private for profit company that allows people to extract information from their crowd sourced photos and then add it to OpenStreetMap. So a road sign or business name or whatever.
This arrangement encouraged lots of OSM users to contribute photos to Mapillary, as it is a nice way to add information to OSM (and to enable others to add information).
The indirect impact on OSM services is that turning on the view of the Mapillary images in an OSM editor will request that data from Mapillary servers (which are now Facebook servers). So you can go to the OpenStreetMap website and engage in an activity where you request data from Facebook servers. But you have to sign in, activate the editor and then activate the view of the images for that to happen.
A lot of the people that contributed heavily to Mapillary are disappointed with this outcome, as they have strong feelings about Facebook. I've contributed a little bit to Mapillary and will likely continue to do so, as I'm not trying to create an open data street view commons, I'm using it as a convenience.
it would take a lot of convincing for me to welcome Facebook into any project I'm part of. I've pointed out to one of their POs that they are violating OSMs copyright by not showing any attribution when browsing on mobile. I'm not confident it will ever be fixed. When they ask to be integrated into a project they're already abusing, the answer should be hard no. I'll reply to this comment if they start respecting OSMs copyright (unless comments get locked?). Just musing... but where do I file a DMCA?
Their use of the data is subject to section 4.3 of the ODBL. The language there demands a notice "reasonably calculated" to make the user "aware" of the data source. It doesn't demand on map attribution.
Attribution on the map is a clear, easy way to meet that bar (and acknowledges the many OSM contributors that see a prominent notice as being necessary to meet the license), but it isn't clear that the court tested bar will be so high.
Note that I'm not drawing "We'll see you in court" as a good way for a company to act towards a community, just commenting on where and how their obligations are defined.
Mapillary is/was a private for profit company that allows people to extract information from their crowd sourced photos and then add it to OpenStreetMap. So a road sign or business name or whatever.
This arrangement encouraged lots of OSM users to contribute photos to Mapillary, as it is a nice way to add information to OSM (and to enable others to add information).
The indirect impact on OSM services is that turning on the view of the Mapillary images in an OSM editor will request that data from Mapillary servers (which are now Facebook servers). So you can go to the OpenStreetMap website and engage in an activity where you request data from Facebook servers. But you have to sign in, activate the editor and then activate the view of the images for that to happen.
A lot of the people that contributed heavily to Mapillary are disappointed with this outcome, as they have strong feelings about Facebook. I've contributed a little bit to Mapillary and will likely continue to do so, as I'm not trying to create an open data street view commons, I'm using it as a convenience.