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Around three-quarters of accidents are due to pilot error, and about 15% of non-commercial fixed-wing accidents are fatal[0]. Flying more often keeps skills sharp. Get-there-itis is a mindset that a good instructor and other pilots will warn you against. Launching into conditions for which the pilot is unqualified for is suicidal. Winter flying adds the potential hazard of airframe icing. Accidents at night are more likely to be fatal. Believe it or not, some pilots simply fail to take enough fuel to complete the mission.

The concept of the accident chain runs contrary to the assertion that a pilot needs to react instantaneously to a potential issue. The problem commonly begins long before the situation becomes an emergency, perhaps even on the ground. Break any link in the chain to prevent tragedy.

[0]: https://www.aopa.org/training-and-safety/air-safety-institut...

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