It just such a poor solution to the problem. The DEA has hundreds of suppliers. I don't think attacking GM for selling them Suburbans is going to make much of a difference.
Plus, from the commenting here of HN, it appears there is a large group of people that want more regulations on facial recognition irregardless of its use within the DEA. These conflations of messages do resonate very well with me. Reforming the DEA and adding regulations to facial recognition are two important issues that stand on their own. The solutions to the issues are more the responsibility of government rather than corporations.
That's a strawman though, nobody thinks "the solution" is attacking only Microsoft, nobody proposes that, and nobody is doing that. The question is whether both the DEA and Microsoft should be criticized, or if Microsoft should get a free pass for some reason. Microsoft isn't being singled out either, numerous government contractors have been criticized for taking those contracts. Criticism of military contractors in particular is very common, you know that.
Plus, from the commenting here of HN, it appears there is a large group of people that want more regulations on facial recognition irregardless of its use within the DEA. These conflations of messages do resonate very well with me. Reforming the DEA and adding regulations to facial recognition are two important issues that stand on their own. The solutions to the issues are more the responsibility of government rather than corporations.