People use the regular internet for "nefarious" purposes. Should we not support the internet? Cars are used to haul human traffic victims, do we ban cars? How about electricity? It powers everything now, the internet, even cars, do we ban that too? People will find ways to do bad shit in every medium and that doesn't mean the medium is bad.
Maybe a weird question here. I have no doubt there's a disturbing amount of kiddie porn going over Tor. I'm sure it's served somewhere, and those who browse it have good reason to want to hide their IPs, since LE likes to seize the servers and track down everyone who viewed it by IP.
But how would Tor be used in human trafficking? I guess the people running it might email each other or something, but why bother doing that over Tor? I would guess the victims are mostly found in-person in low-income areas, probably no internet involved at all, so no point in using Tor. I would also think that if we're talking sex trafficking, the customers are also more of a street corner or in person deal than over the net. Even if the customers are finding it over the net, I haven't heard of anyone seizing whole servers for it and tracing them by IP. Am I missing something here? I just don't see it.