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This is good work by the team. For CSS beginners like me it helped to start with a nice looking website. Thanks.

I would have loved if they kept the CSS classes same between different versions. I feel there are always some unnecessary renaming of classes with major version changes. I have close to zero knowledge on CSS, I might be missing the point. Two years feels a bit too quick for the release, I wish they slowdown and not release another major before 5 years.

> I would have loved if they kept the CSS classes same between different versions.

I'm not great with CSS either but I recently had to implement some very basic Bootstrap functionality in an environment that required Bootstrap 2 (sorry everyone), and FWIW I thought it actually helped that class names were different because it made it very obvious that I was working with a completely different release than most guides were written for, so I expected breaking changes, and any searches I did do for the "old" names gave me correct results. So in that sense, different class names as a type of "version locking" does make sense I guess -- and it perhaps also stops people from lazily just installing a breaking version of Bootstrap and expect it to work.

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