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That's what most of these frameworks also do. (e.g. Bulma, which specifically bills itself as a no-JS framework: https://bulma.io/ )

Bulma is great but hasn't had significant updates in years it seems -- I would love to get some updates (I use it in multiple side projects)

Isn't that a good thing? runs away

What do you mean by 'significant' update? Version 0.90 was released just recently, and there are continual slow and steady updates that come through. For a CSS framework, that seems quite appropriate.

I used a good bit of Bulma prior to jumping on the Tailwind train when it released. While it was a very quick way to get a nice looking page out of the box, the design choice of aggressively over-specifying selectors[0] made it incredibly frustrating to work with, especially paired with utility classes (e.g. Tachyons).

[0]: https://github.com/jgthms/bulma/issues/2292

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