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I wasn't specifically talking about Bootstrap. Parent post seemed to be making a general point about jQuery.

> The point is that one framework should not depend on another.

It's not hard to think of counterexamples unless you have very particular definitions of "depend" and "framework.

The counter argument would be that one framework should depend on another. Good luck with that.

It's debateable whether jQuery is a library or a framework. It's definitely at the frameworkey end of libraries of the libraryish end of frameworks.

But if you'll admit the terms get murky in the middle then I think it's not controversial to assert that a framework can depend on a library without it offending the gods.

So we're very quickly in the territory of "things reasonable people could disagree about" and quite far away from "glibly asserting that something isn't even up for debate".

I’m not sure whether you’re debating the point or the terminology.

I'm disagreeing with your fundamental point. It sounds truthy but I don't think it withstands scrutiny in this case.

In this specific case, Bootstrap does not need to depend on jQuery. The proof is that version 5 doesn’t.

As arguments go, it doesn’t get any clearer cut.

More fundamentally, interdependency is a disease infecting the entire JS ecosystem. The antithesis is the antidote.

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