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Although jQuery does seem less popular as a choice for new projects nowadays, I'd like to chime in to agree here (not to knock Bootstrap; it's good that they're staying current with their developer ecosystem).

Given appropriate element names and classes, jQuery and CSS selectors can provide a straightforward and readable way to express application behaviours, and it's a well-proven and stable project at this point.

There is very little functionality JQuery offers that the modern browser DOM API doesn't provide with more robust performance.

Yeah, this is what some commenters are missing. The real alternative to jQuery isn't some fancy new framework, it's just... plain JavaScript.

Things have really gotten much better in the vanilla world. Although some things remain more verbose or cumbersome than jQuery alternatives, you really don't need a whole layer of abstraction to handle the simple tasks jQuery was designed for any more.

Unless, of course, you care about IE...

jQuery somehow gets abuse for being more bloated and slower than vanilla js despite the fact that almost nobody is ditching jQuery for vanilla js and instead running to vastly slower and more bloated SPA frameworks.

Did this comment onwards miss

"I did my last small project with vanilla js and the ugliness of the native APIs reminded my how lovely jQuery is" or am I seeing wonky here

Yes, but the native APIs are a PITA.

At they? I don't write much js but always found the native apis to be the quickest way to implement functionality when I need to

Yes, nearly every native API is uglier/longer/more inconsistent than jQuery equivalent.

not like they used to be, youngster*

* veteran of the original browser wars

So is jQuery imo, especially the nonsensical argument order for iteration.

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