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Now that we have CSS Grid and Flexbox, what is the rationale for using Bootstrap? Or, what is the benefit of using Bootstrap that I don't get using CSS Grid and Flexbox?

Sensible defaults. Consistent developer API. A great big pile of components that can dropped in and reskinned rather than having to be rebuilt each project. Easy theming. Accessibility, mobile... I dunno, it just seems to do the right thing from the start.

Here's my answer: after several years going bootstrap-free and doing everything by hand, I realized I just ended up writing my own bootstrap equivalent, so now I just use Bootstrap or TailwindCSS.

I don't use Bootstrap for the design or the components, I use it for the layout and utilities instead of building my own, and I code the design on top of it.

Unless you are going to write bespoke grid/flexbox logic every time you want to position anything or having to sync up a bunch of grid-template-area definitions, you may find yourself building a more dynamic generic grid system that abstracts the details away. Well, that's something that Bootstrap's Row/Col system does.

Decent looking typography and presentation.

why is this downvoted, I have the same genuine question

I am surprised I was downvoted too. I’ve never used bootstrap so I thought my question was a simple request for information. Apparently all the bootstrap users took it as a personal attack.

Bootstrap is so much more than grid. It has plenty of useful components too.

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