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Depends on your customers. Can't just look at the stat counter usage sites and determine based on that. You have to look at who uses your site, and then decide what the financial impact of not supporting IE is going to be.

Where I work, we sell into large companies, where IE may be a default browser without the ability to install an alternative. Therefore, we support IE11 (only version of IE still officially supported). Financially, it would be irresponsible not to, as it could kill 6 or 7 figure contracts if the CEO tries to use our software and it doesn't load or just shows them a "upgrade your browser" page.

But even then, we do make allowances for IE. It is slower. In fact, some of the speed issues come from adding polyfills for things we deemed necessary for efficient development. It may not have exactly the same layout (for instance, we use an accordion to reduce the number of elements on a screen for IE on one page, but a list of carousels in browsers that are capable of handling the extra complexity).

We actually attempted to use CSS Grid, and it mostly worked. We've since stripped most of that out except some of the base page structures - just too many edge cases. And flex actually works fairly well as long as you stay away from some of the well-defined known issues.

Anyways, to the main point - has to be a site by site decision based on your site's visitor base, their browsers, and whether it makes the financial sense to spend the time supporting IE compared to the return you may get.

Yeah, I do business-to-business ecommerce and our yearly revenue coming from Internet Explorer is _more_ than _mobile_ (excluding tablet).

So, yes similar story. IE11 needs to _work_, though maybe not as well. Though, I generally avoid polyfills (even jQuery) and try to just write code works natively in IE11.

I have a feeling IE11 will be around a while.

Yeah, same, also you don't wanna be on a demo with the sales, GMs and VPs of all sorts and all of a sudden find yourself in the position to explain the 'cross-platform' problems they are having on their devices - seen that, it's ugly, thus you go with the LCD - thanks to jquery!

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