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... CTRL+F, 'compat', no results. Oh crap.

I run my blog on Bootstrap 4, and I don't have much skills for frotend/scss stuff. So I use bootstrap 4 out of the box with few customizations. I never understand the backwards compatibility model of Bootstrap. It broke significantly when I moved from some late-stage BS4 alpha to the stable version. I can probably assume it'll significantly break again? Maybe that's the beauty of BS, you just choose a version and stay there until it's impossible anymore?

With how the web has evolved over the years, we've been caught on the side of being too far behind and being too far ahead. We want to move faster and find the right balance. v4 was a bit of a nightmare scenario, and upgrading from v3 was nuts. v4 to v5 _should_ be much simpler by comparison. Still some breaking changes, but nothing like before.

And yes! Definitely something that you can theoretically run forever without issue. Browsers basically have to keep supporting the historical properties, quirks, etc, so once you've built it, you're largely good to go :).

Thanks! Having an answer from the project owner is super valuable.

Well you can't really expect much about breakages or backward compatibility when you use an alpha, that's kind of the deal.

Just wait for the stable release to upgrade? Or don't upgrade at all, it's not the sort of thing that you absolutely need to keep up to date anyway.

I had the same issues with major breaks between Bootstrap 4.x alphas and betas, but to be honest, their migration changelog [1] was truly helpful and you could simply search and replace most changes.

It's the price of choosing the bleeding edge I guess.

[1] https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.5/migration/

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