This looks neat, but being a DIY kind of dude, I'm not sure what this is for. I'm probably missing something--I think I know "what" it is, just not "why". Can anyone give me a brief rundown?
All of us involved in the project are pretty much "DIY" kind-of people :)
What we hope people do is to read through the source to see why we made the choices for defaults and pick and choose what they like and keep using them.
There are lots of defaults that were eye-opening to me that were suggested by the scores of contributors to the project.
That is a goal yes, but these are the defaults that work for us, and we hope they work for everyone else (and we do look for suggestions to improve these), but if it does not work for you, we actively advocate choosing the defaults that do.
The reasons for each of the choices we made is all within the comments of the source file, so it is easier to choose what to keep and what to change.