From my understanding the primary use of concurrency in Erlang/Elixir is for isolation and operational consistency. Do you believe that not to be the case?
The primary use of concurrency in Erlang is modelling a world that is concurrent.
If you go back to the origins of Erlang, the intent was to build a language that would make it easier to write software for telecom (voice) switches; what comes out of that is one process for each line, waiting for someone to pick up the line and dial or for an incoming call to make the line ring (and then connecting the call if the line is answered). Having this run as an isolated process allows for better system stability --- if someone crashes the process attached to their line, the switch doesn't lose any of the state for the other lines.
It turns out that a 1980s design for operational excellence works really well for (some) applications today. Because the processes are isolated, it's not very tricky to run them in parallel. If you've got a lot of concurrent event streams (like users connected via XMPP or HTTP), assigning each a process makes it easy to write programs for them, and because Erlang processes are significantly lighter weight than OS processes or threads, you can have millions of connections to a machine, each with its own process.
You can absolutely manage millions of connections in other languages, but I think Erlang's approach to concurrency makes it simpler to write programs to address that case.
That's a big topic. The shortest way I can summarize it though:
Immutable data, heap isolated by concurrent process and lack of shared state, combined with supervision trees made possible because of extremely low overhead concurrency, and preemptive scheduling to prevent any one process from taking over the CPU...create that operational consistency.
It's a combination of factors that have gone into the language design that make it all possible though. Very big and interesting topic.
But it does create a significant capacity increase. Here's a simple example with websockets.