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If anyone wants to have a go at a “normal” end-to-end user experience, I have a Docker setup with Xrdp and audio enabled at https://github.com/rcarmo/ubuntu-xrdp that I poke at now and then, and loads of previous attempts at the same all over my GitHub (many of my “desktop app” containers have VNC, Xrdp or Guacamole bundled in for remote access from my Mac and iPad).

Right now the biggest issue I have with RDP on Linux is that the default packages that ship with most distros are useless—they are either outdated (still in VNC proxy mode) or poorly integrated with login managers. Also, even though I get “free” multi-head when accessing a Windows desktop from my Mac (and believe me, that is an amazing way to work on a daily basis) I have yet to get it to work 100% with a Linux server (it works and I get multi-head, but sometimes displays are swapped for some reason).

Many people don’t “get” RDP because they confuse it with VNC and other remote display solutions. But when it is set up properly, it is _massively_ better than VNC, NX or Xpra in terms of bandwidth, latency, and client support (yes, there are thousands of VNC clients, and every Linux box can do X over SSH, but I can use RDP from my iPad, Android, etc., and those are the thin clients I travel with).

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