Using the distance of the colors in a Euclidian space makes sense, but RGB isn't the best space to use.
You probably want something like CIELAB which is (quoting from Wikipedia) "designed so that the same amount of numerical change... corresponds to roughly the same amount of visually perceived change."
You can apply a weight[0][1] to each of the R, G and B components before computing the distance to get results that approximate doing the distance in Lab color space. The main benefit being that this is a lot cheaper computationally than actually converting to Lab, if you are already working in RGB.
Interesting. Perhaps this information is not available with the images? or are they.
The conversion between RGB and CIELAB is almost meaningless (according to wikipedia) or perhaps there is a still a way to do that and helpful?
1. : However, in general, converting between two non-absolute color spaces (for example, RGB to CMYK) or between absolute and non-absolute color spaces (for example, RGB to Lab*) is almost a meaningless concept.
> The conversion between RGB and CIELAB is almost meaningless (according to wikipedia) or perhaps there is a still a way to do that and helpful?
As I understand it, that line is really talking about coming up with formal conversions. That is, some color spaces are effectively not well-enough defined (neither in relation to reality nor to each other) to be scientifically useful.
It's like how you might say converting from length in pixels to centimeters is "meaningless" because there isn't truly a consistent physical relationship between them, but people still get plenty of use out of making such a conversion every day.
> Interesting. Perhaps this information is not available with the images? or are they.
It's rare for images to use these colorspaces or gamuts. They are complex and cumbersome, and RGB makes for a damn good "pipe wrench" of bluntness and utility. Plus very few developers are aware of how deep color science is, and assume RGB is (pretty close to) the ground truth.
You probably want something like CIELAB which is (quoting from Wikipedia) "designed so that the same amount of numerical change... corresponds to roughly the same amount of visually perceived change."