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Maybe Spice is the answer. It works good on VMs.

I wish Spice worked better. Right now I'm running my workstation on a server KVM instance. Spice too laggy for me. VNC works great.

Although, I leave a connected tty backgrounded with Spice -- the audio works seamlessly. Small bits of lag, but I use it for spotify in the background.

In my experience, SPICE is awesome on a fast local network. I even run it at 4k with a remote VM. I experience more frame drops than straight up lag - but things like video and audio are surprisingly good.

I've been searching for a good (free) virtual desktop/workstation solution but Proxmox as a host + SPICE so far as the best I have found. I'd love to also find something free that supports virtualized or pass-through GPU. I agree that SPICE is not perfect, but it's the only protocol that feels like I am actually using the remote machine as a local desktop unlike VNC or RDP.

Is there any way to run spice on real hardware? I can only find drivers for VMs


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