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Talker group chat changes pricing, unlimited chatters for free (talkerapp.tumblr.com)
39 points by jrom on March 21, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

We've been using Talker with our team in Minsk. It's been fantastic, some things, like JavaScript plugins are ingenious.

Cobbled together a plugin to auto-link FOO-1234 to our JIRA installation. Plus, multi-line pasting creates an EtherPad session.

  plugin.onMessageInsertion = function(talkerEvent){
    $('td.message').replace(/(FOO-\d*)/gi, '<a href="https://foo.onjira.com/browse/+$1.toUpperCase()+ target="_blank">'+'$1'.toUpperCase()+'</a>');
    $('span.msg').replace(/(FOO-\d*)/gi, '<a href="https://foo.onjira.com/browse/+$1.toUpperCase()+ target="_blank">'+'$1'.toUpperCase()+'</a>');
It's a fantastic, fantastic collab tool.

I got introduced to talker app a while back while working with the guys from Teambox. I'm based in the UK while they're all over (Spain, US, UK). I didn't really see the point at first and figured Skype/IRC would be better but the more I used it the more I never stopped going on about how cool it was. I'm a little surprised but super excited that it's now free!

Same here. I had tried out campfire but wasn't overwhelmed with it. I love the extensibility of Talker. Almost every other day I'm writing a plugin (https://github.com/saimonmoore/talker-plugins) in javascript to enhance my chatting with my team members.

Nice but why the restriction on keeping logs? Surely it can't be a disk space concern, text is nothing. If my team is going to use a chat app I want to be able to reference the logs at a later date.

Because they need to make money somewhere, I assume. Totally fair.

Well we thought IRC doesn't offer logs by default and it's fine, we offer them for a week. You can get unlimited logs with the $15/mo plan, so if you want to use it for business, you can.

We used Campfire at Masterbranch until we discovered Talker. We're keeping our old account ($6 a month) just because of the private rooms.

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