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My question: how is this allowed? Won't this create a massive monopoly?

I and many others had the same concerns when Just eat bought Hungry House. Now we've got Deliveroo and Uber Eats too, but how can a smaller player survive with these behemoths?

> Won't this create a massive monopoly?

They wish. Just Eat are just using Grubhub as a way to enter US market. But, theres already too many players in US. Doordash, Postmate, Grubhub, Uber Eats

I had a real laugh when Dara Khosrowshahi tried to argue that the "market" uber eats is competing in should include home grocery shopping so that he could claim that they're competing against Amazon and Walmart, despite Amazon and Walmart literally not offering a competitive alternative to 99% of Uber Eats business.

> "how can a smaller player survive with these behemoths?"

Make sure your customers know you, and know you deal fairly.

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