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> they aren’t willing to tip

I wish everybody would stop tipping.

If nobody subsidized delivery workers' wages with tips, delivery companies would have to start paying workers enough to make it actually worth their time to begin with, and pass those costs onto VCs and eventually consumers.

More reliable income for the delivery workers, more transparent delivery pricing for consumers. What's not to like?

A similar dynamic will likely play out in other industries where tipping is common as well.

Alas, I do end up tipping in real life because I don't want delivery workers to suffer more than they have to in the mean time until not-tipping becomes the norm and wages increase as a result, so it's a bit of a chicken and egg problem.

Just stop counting tips for minimum wage and pay everybody a liveable wage. You can't start this change from the tipping side, because that way it primarily it hurts the workers.

DoorDash (and maybe others; not sure) pay the drivers less (on average) if you tip.

So, tip with cash instead of not tipping at all. It costs you the same, and the delivery person is paid more.

Tips have completely died over here due to online payment. You order, you pay, food gets delivered. There's no stage for tipping.

Back when you had to pay cash on delivery, tipping was pretty common (at least for me), but right now there's just no reasonable moment to tip anymore.

Of course its trivial to include delivery cost in the price. You know where it needs to go, so you can make a good estimate of the time it takes to deliver there, and include that in the price.

It's a service and services need clear pricing.

Tipping isn't bad, because of it's infrequency. It's bad because it's unclear and hidden.

Consumer service business cannot pay their service employees more, than what consumers are willing to pay for the services. In most cases the business is just a venue for consumers to acquire services from individuals. In restaurants the individuals are waiter.

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