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Why is cold food a problem? It is easy to heat it up in a microwave right?

> Why is cold food a problem? It is easy to heat it up in a microwave right?

I think its dependent on the type of food. As some foods simply don't hold well, and shouldn't be offered as a to-go 'fried calamari,' 'pasta carbonara' 'tempura' or sushi etc... and cannot be re-heated. But, even other things like fries taste pretty poorly when cold and could spoil an entire meal.

Whereas, drunken noodles, pizza or a chiptole burrito can easily be re-heated and taste just as good.

I've ordered Doordash 5 times over that observation period, and all but one time the food was pretty warm, but that's because I tipped $5-10 and the restaurants I ordered from were near by and less than a 4 miles radius from my home. Since it was simply re-heatedable stuff I didn't mind, also, I wasn't really interested in the food so much as data aggregation.

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