I second the PHP Inspections (EA Extented) plugin.
If you use Symfony don't miss the plugin, it's almost (dev-)life changing.
If you use xdebug take the time to set it up (way easier these days but can still be challenging depending on your setup), breakpoints work great.
More related to all Jetbrains IDEs:
One often overlooked aspect is the database integration (look at the tabs on the right). In addition to replacing most needs for a third party program it gives you autocompletion for your in-code sql querys.
Checkout the git integration. From the "annotate" entry menu to the all fantastic diff/merging/etc tools.
Lean to use the different searches, "in path" (toggle the preview option), classname, file, or the global shift-shift.
Try all the integrated tools, the terminal & ssh, the http client, the live templates, etc.
Lean about the local history (usually in the context menu above the git entry), it will save your ass at some point (it can restore entire deleted-by-mistake folders).
If you use Symfony don't miss the plugin, it's almost (dev-)life changing.
If you use xdebug take the time to set it up (way easier these days but can still be challenging depending on your setup), breakpoints work great.
More related to all Jetbrains IDEs:
One often overlooked aspect is the database integration (look at the tabs on the right). In addition to replacing most needs for a third party program it gives you autocompletion for your in-code sql querys.
Checkout the git integration. From the "annotate" entry menu to the all fantastic diff/merging/etc tools.
Lean to use the different searches, "in path" (toggle the preview option), classname, file, or the global shift-shift.
Try all the integrated tools, the terminal & ssh, the http client, the live templates, etc.
Lean about the local history (usually in the context menu above the git entry), it will save your ass at some point (it can restore entire deleted-by-mistake folders).