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FYI, Tmob is a defendant named in the EFF suit for illegal wiretapping, along with Verizon and every other major carrier except Qwest.

Well, they could be lying, but T-mobile has claimed that they did not participate in the NSA program.


Meanwhile AT&T was up front about rolling over.

Since any telco can legally lie about this, I'm curious why T-Mobile was later added to the initial suit while Qwest was not. I looked around the EFF site but got tired of poking through PDFs and not finding anything to explain that.

Joe Nacchio (former Qwest CEO) says Qwest refused to comply and spy on behalf of the NSA, and that cost them contracts: http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20071013/news_1n13ns...

Granted, he's been convicted of insider trading and may be a biased source, but I'd say it's a good indicator that Qwest isn't named as a defendant in the EFF suits.

T-mobile issued a similar statement, that they did not participate and did not turn over any records. No mention of losing contracts over it.

Hell, maybe AT&T wants to buy T-Mobile to ensure everyone gets spied on equally. Look for an attempt to buy Qwest next. :)

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