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Recruiter repostings are completely irrelevant to the problems they are having. The article makes it as if that is the problem they are having, but their woes have nothing at all to do with recruiters.

That recruiter that reposted "up to £40k" was a good guy who was doing them a big favor by making clear that the biggest problem with their ad, that which most needed to be changed was the salary offering. And he didn't even charge them for that insight. What a nice, generous fellow.

I hope I detect an air of sarcasm there, otherwise I'd have my water supply checked if I were you!

No sarcasm at all. What is the problem the author has? The problem is he is unable to hire a senior iPhone developer with a deep and broad skill set.

What is his analysis of the problem? His analysis is that recruiters are to blame.

Recruiters are not the problem. The salary is. The recruiter that changed his ad gave him free information about what the problem is.

The flaw in this article complaining about recruiters being responsible for his problems is that recruiters are not responsible for his problem. His problem is that his offered salary is not even close to be in line with what he would need to offer to attract the candidate the ad indicates they require.

Not sarcasm. Common sense.

While he may have been wrong to start with, that doesn't excuse the recruiter's behaviour in any way. If I applied on the basis of an offer that did not actually exist I would be most annoyed. I would direct my annoyance to the recruiter (who now has my details through nefarious means and will probably lie about me to hundreds of employers even if I ask them not to, potentially making me look bad in a similar way), where it should go, but many would blame the employer.

The recruiter is not helping the situation in any way what so ever, aside from very slightly increasing their own chances of getting a finder's fee.

Sure, it doesn't excuse recruiters, recruiters are scum, etc. I agree with you completely on that. But it's not relevant to his problem. He is trying to solve a problem. His analysis has gone awry because he is focused on something that is not part of the problem. The best thing anyone can do to help this gentleman is to educate him regarding the true source of his difficulty. Recruiters doing this-and-that doesn't change the fact that the salary range is far too low and the two are not related excepting that one of the recruiters, by changing a single part of the ad, sent a strong signal about what the main deficiency of said ad was. That was a good message from the recruiter and one wise to take heed to. But instead, the author focused on his hatred and resentment towards recruiters. That is fine, he can have a pity party and we can call the waahmbulance if it gets too burdensome, but after his cry he still hasn't hired the talent he needs and his obsessing and focusing his attention on dealing with recruiters hasn't led him any closer to his goal. The necessary first thing for him to do if he wants to accomplish his goal is to increase the salary range offered substantially.

Please can you post the salary range for a senior iPhone developer based in Leeds, UK.

It's however much you have to pay to attract said developer to Leeds. That's how much.

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