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LinkedIn is what you make of it. And if you're saying "LinkedIn is full of fakes", or "it is for the unemployed" then I suspect that you're only looking at a small segment of it. Any community will have outliers, and the fakes and unemployed on LinkedIn, in my experience, are the outliers.

LinkedIn is a professional resume sharing service, among other things. I find some people sharing a link to their LinkedIn profile rather than sending a resume. It is great for reconnecting with ex-colleagues, seeing who is joining and who is leaving some companies, and finding contacts at potential clients and employers.

It isn't a social networking service and it isn't a service for making lunch dates for networking, though you could use it that way.

The Groups are moderately useful, though people tend to set up too many different yet related groups, diluting the value. I really hope the Twitter-like link and comment sharing does not catch on as a) I have Twitter for that and b) it pushes other useful information off the bottom too quickly.

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