Given the explanation from the Security section (i.e. "libmish is really made for developement purpose"), it might make more sense that telnet access is disabled by default and only enabled with something like MISH_ON=1.
Otherwise, this becomes yet another thing to disable upon deployment, chances are people will forget they used this during development and production code will get deployed without the variable to disable telnet.
This is a "C19 lockdown project" -- I always want that feature in long running processes: quick way to do introspection in a program without having to create a whole subsystem for it. Also, a way to 'connect' back in, especially for programs that don't log anything.
Demo is in C, but it shouldnt be too hard to add bindings for other languages.
This is very fresh paint, it had a demo of "one" in one of my other program, so I do expect the odd issue!
Someone should write a patch to fix that. There is no reason why the telnet protocol can't be used over UNIX domain sockets.
As you note, telnet has some advantages over socat/netcat/etc, e.g. the Negotiate About Window Size (NAWS) option can be used to notify terminal resize events (SIGWINCH).
One could also register and implement a telnet authentication type [1] to trigger authentication via SCM_CREDENTIALS. The server could use this to confirm the client has the expected UID/GID.
busybox telnet and busybox telnetd both support Unix domain sockets. As in this example:
sudo busybox telnetd -b local:/telnetd.sock
busybox telnet local:/telnetd.sock
Then you can log in over telnet over Unix domain socket.
HOWEVER, this only works if busybox is built with CONFIG_FEATURE_UNIX_LOCAL=y. And normally, busybox isn't built with that enabled. It is one of the few features which "make defconfig" doesn't enable.
I wonder if busybox devs could be convinced to change defconfig to set CONFIG_FEATURE_UNIX_LOCAL=y? Their FAQ [1] says defconfig "enables all functionality except special purpose things like selinux or debugging support which would reduce the portability of the resulting binary". I don't think AF_UNIX/AF_LOCAL is really a "special purpose thing". (CONFIG_FEATURE_UNIX_LOCAL turns on AF_UNIX support for all relevant busybox networking commands, it isn't telnet specific.)
Of course, their telnet client doesn't support my SCM_CREDENTIALS as a telnet auth option idea either. The busybox code is reasonably clean so it wouldn't be hard to add it to their telnet client, even their telnetd just for testing (can't say the same for netkit-telnet, which is default telnet client/server on Debian/Ubuntu). Not sure if the busybox developers would be willing to accept such a random feature though.
PS: telnet/telnetd in Alpine Linux are compiled with CONFIG_FEATURE_UNIX_LOCAL=y. However, the default busybox in Alpine 3.7 and above doesn't include telnet/telnetd. You can install them though with "apk add busybox-extras"
PPS: on macOS, Homebrew's telnet also supports telnet to Unix domain sockets, e.g. telnet /tmp/telnetd.sock.
The first thing I thought of is "I could use this to telnet into long running computation processes and force them to flush those buffers to see where they're at and how it goes". This use case alone make this kind of thing worthy :).
Some tools respond to a Unix signal ( this way, usually SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2 though I've seen SIGCONT used too. SIGINT also, though that feels wrong to me as it circumvents the commonly expected response to ctrl-c.
Along this line, there are some open source MUD clients around which are (naturally) entirely telnet focused and embed lua, regex, aliases and usually their own extensible UI frameworks.
Good suggestion! Insecure protocols routed through secure protocols are always an option. Tip for those who do this in production - add sufficient documentation/training so that the new guy on the team knows about it.
Nice- obligatory mention that this is old hat in languages with REPLs. In Clojure, shipping to production with a REPL port (running over an HTTPS websocket, only accessible from a bastion host) is common practice and saves a lot of work making ad hoc admin tools and troubleshooting from logs.
If you want to get pedantic then clear text consoles are the core concept behind time sharing systems, the methodology behind Multics and UNIX, and thus pre-dates LISP Machines by decades (we all stand on the shoulders of giants).
But that doesn't mean there isn't still value in someone writing a new library and sharing it with the community.
Right, Time sharing wasn't implemented yet at that time, when Lisp was having its first interactive console in 1960. It was then also implemented on the first time sharing operating systems.
ok, let's put it another way, a LISP console is all well and good but systems in 1960 weren't yet multi-tasking (or at least multi-tasking systems in 1960 were still rare) so you couldn't have a LISP process running as one thread and query it's running state from another.
The reason I keep hammering on about time sharing is because they largely came hand in hand, time sharing systems needed to support multi-tasking whereas single user systems didn't (you still see echoes of this in the 80s with CP/M, DOS and 8-bit micros running BASIC). In fact if you look at the history of multi-tasking it roughly follows the same time line and lineage as the uptake of time sharing systems (around mid '60s IIRC). Before then you'd have to stop the execution of one program before you could start execution on another.
I know some "LISPians" like to think everything in computing eventually leads back to LISP but that's not always the case (and I say that as a big fan of the language myself).
One might just write a main loop, which takes Lisp expressions (or other input) from two or more different terminals and executes each expression interleaved. Those were not 'concurrent programs' which shared some state, but function calls within the same Lisp system, using an interactive execution loop serving several I/O devices.
An early (mid 60s) application domain would be multi-player games over terminals controlled from a single process.
Lisp also has the idea of break loops, which halt the current execution (for example triggered by some kind of interrupt), allow interaction with the program state and then let one continue the program in some way. Thus one would not need to attach a debugger I/O loop from another process, but the debugger repl would be a part of the running program and could be called on demand.
That you 'know some "LISPians" like to think everything in computing eventually leads back to LISP but that's not always the case' doesn't invalidate the fact that Lisp systems were running on many of the early computers & operating systems from 1960 onwards and followed their evolution. Thus at least some interesting stuff has been done very early in Lisp, too.
> One might just write a main loop, which takes Lisp expressions (or other input) from two or more different terminals and executes each expression interleaved.
Pre-time sharing systems weren't multi-terminal. Hence why I keep coming back to time sharing.
Also your main loop example could be done in assembly, FORTRAN, BASIC, Pascal and C, two of which also pre-date LISP. There's nothing uniquely LISP about writing a polling loop.
Job control et al and multi-terminal mainframes are something very much born out of time sharing. You could use LISP to write your application that would run atop of that time sharing system if you wanted but you could also write that same application in a bunch of other languages too (assuming you had a compiler for that machine). And bare in mind around this time you could still physically inspect the state of paused program on a fair amount of single process systems (and those you couldn't would often punch out verbose log of its running state to tape).
> An early (mid 60s) application domain
By the mid 60s you had time sharing systems. Your argument was that LISP was doing this before then.
> That you 'know some "LISPians" like to think everything in computing eventually leads back to LISP but that's not always the case' doesn't invalidate the fact that Lisp systems were running on many of the early computers & operating systems from 1960 onwards and followed their evolution. Thus at least some interesting stuff has been done very early in Lisp, too.
I completely agree but you're attributing credit to LISP for something that isn't a language-specific feature. At least the OP was referencing a computing platform.
Anyway, this whole conversation was ridiculous from the outset and a massive distraction to the submission that sparked it. It doesn't really matter what came first; the only reason I even commented was to illustrate that we're all standing on the shoulders of giants so it's pointless mocking a submission for being similar in design to tech that pre-dates it. It's ironic that post lead to an argument about what came first.
'Could' is the word. My example was that it was actually done to have built-in command loops and the building blocks for those (so that they could be used in programs), which could be invoked on demand while a program was running.
> it's pointless mocking a submission for being similar in design
I'm not mocking the submission. The feature is quite valuable and interacting with running software via command loops is great.
Ok, "was" then. Operating systems were originally written in assembly and you can't write an operating system without some kind of hardware polling and command loops (even in the days before multi-tasking systems).
Even earlier computers in the days before operating systems would have command loops written in giant rings of punched sheets that would slowly spin round on reels like a cambelt. So this isn't even an innovation that was born from assembly, let alone any high level language.
I honestly do get what you're saying and I'm not trying to dismiss your point that people did this kind of stuff in LISP but what you need to understand is that people did this in a great number of different ways, in different languages and even mechanically too.
I have an existing use case for this. One of the music players that I use a lot is command line based and I start it to run with shuffle-play (i.e., play songs randomly). Sometimes the song chosen isn't something I want to listen to at that time. However, I don't have a nice way of skipping/advancing the currently playing song. If I really want to skip the song I have to Ctrl-C out of it and restart it. I was going to add signal handlers for SIGUSR1, but I didn't know how to do this in Python.
Adding a library such as this one, I could also enhance to alter queued up songs.
I write automated trading algos for my own trading, and invariably put in a "command line interface" so I can control variables during trading without having to restart. I don't know if this is the normal thing to do, but I just read the variables from a mysql table at some logical point in the program loop, where changing it is "safe". The CLI is then simply about connecting to the DB and changing those variables using standard SQL statements... I guess the "right" way would be to build a proper (G)UI to handle this, but hey, it works.
Yes, I like the single macro, but that doesn't handle the multiple possible names, and multiple lines of help... but I agree, I probably will add a single alias for simple cases.
This is very clever.. in my CLI I use a dedicated section to build a command table, but the linker script often has to be modified for this to work. The above avoids the need to change the linker script at all (but you do need an init function, which I don't..). It means you have to compile as C++, right?
constructor works fine in C as with GCC/clang. It links down to .init/.init_array on ELF (though all the linker cares about is PT_DYNAMIC and DT_INIT / DT_INIT_ARRAY)
For all the people who complain about telnet: If it would use Unix domain sockets, the whole system would rebuild what you can do with ordinary stdin/stdout and GNU screen or tmux. I think the network transparency is a feature of this library.
GNU Screen and tmux are popular terminal multiplexers. One of the central features of such command line programs are to detach sessions from the actual user terminal emulators. The multiplexer is then running in the background, collecting stdout/stderr of the running shells and programs. When the user reconnects (this is typically not network transparent, but there are "extensions" such as, she can immediately continue to interact with the programs.
Now just need a small wrapper around ptrace to inject the library and call mish_prepare(0), so can just dynamically add it as needed to running programs.
Otherwise, this becomes yet another thing to disable upon deployment, chances are people will forget they used this during development and production code will get deployed without the variable to disable telnet.