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Chats.io, new HTML5 / Node.JS-powered social group chat, launches (chats.io)
68 points by cmatthieu on March 19, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 49 comments

For a web based chat platform I think it falls short, but from what cmatthieu said about making it, Chats.io is really a weekend project. Not really something that 'launches' anyways.

As far as what he could do to improve it, here are some ideas: 1. IRC is a solid and robust chat platform that has been around for a long time, you should really look towards what makes it strong and how it is used. Take that and apply what works towards the web app.

2. After building the foundation on solid chat technology, add in things people expect from a web app. I wouldn't mind seeing actual profiles with publicly available logs and what channels they frequent. You could add friends and what not and know when they login and what channels they frequent as well.

3. Since Node.js is so versatile, look at making it compatible with IRC so that IRC clients can connect to it and function as you would expect. This would be an added feature, but could be huge. Not everyone likes using their browser to chat, I know I don't.

Good luck with it, glad to see someone making some fun stuff with Node.js and showing it off.


4. Prevent people from switching nicks arbitrarily.

5. Cap message site / rate. It's incredibly to just spam the room to hell with massive messages.

6. Don't call it "social". It's chat. It's been done a million times before.

4 & 5 go with my number 1 advice which is to use what works from IRC.

I agree with 6 as long as it is just chat, if he provides more community features outside of just the chat areas, it could be considered more social.

Seems like everyone trying out node.js for the first time wants to make chat-room apps. At least this one doesn't have an immediately obvious script injection vulnerability :)

Interestingly, none of the chat apps I've really used are built on node: convore is python, mibbit is java, irccloud is erlang. Too new I guess.

If anyone's interested in a tasteful, persistent, web-based IRC client (ie, bouncer-like) - albeit not using node.js - mention HN in the invite box on https://irccloud.com/

Looking over IRCCloud's subscription plans, why would I want to pay for features that have been offered free forever? Is the idea that since I can't run an IRC client on my iPhone that I'd pay for this? I don't get it.

We're essentially a nicely designed web-based irc interface with integrated hosted bouncer.

You don't usually get that for free afaik, you'd have to run a bouncer yourself on a vps or something, or attach to screen and use irssi.

Plenty of our users are former screen+irssi users, and many of them are perfectly capable of running a vps+bouncer+whatever themselves, but choose to use us because it's less hassle / more convenient.

I like the look of it but imho the Gold plan is too expensive - €12 of VPS could get persistant IRC and a lot more.

Not having to configure & admin a VPS is one of the reasons to use irccloud.

That, and the fact we are building a really slick web interface you can access from multiple machines easily. You'd be paying for an integrated server/bouncer/client package.

Also, for many people the €3 and €5 plans are ample; so the €12 represents our most expensive option.

Where are the prices mentioned? I couldn't find it anywhere on irccloud.com

Under "More info" on the homepage.

Looks really cool. Love the fluidity with the animations

As opposed to an anti-social solitary chat? :)

Chris - this is awesome! Love that it's open source too:


It's not loading for me =/ Anyone else have this problem?

I am. All browsers -- seems to be a network issue (I'm on Verizon FIOS).

Ah, it seems like it can only handle so many users. If you keep refreshing, you'll get lucky eventually (I'm on FIOS too).

No works great for me!

what browser are you using?

It's also running on http://nodester.com - the free and open source node.js hosting platform.

Out of curiosity, it looks like it's down right now. Can you provide some info about why? I thought the node stuff was supposed to be able to handle all the simultaneous traffic requests with ease. Just curious!

I really hate when something being down automatically translates in peoples' minds to a reflection upon the tools. That's like blaming plow manufacturers for a snow day; while possible, there's far more explanations that are likely before plow failure is a consideration, such as a lack of manpower to drive the plows.

I see this at an ISP, too, all day long: oh, my site's down, what's wrong with your platform?

It's not 'automatic'. The above poster asked about excluding the possibility of the tool being poor as opposed to the infrastructure being bad, or the tool wielder lacking competency.

I have to disagree, based upon my reading the question. "You're down. Why? I thought Node could handle it." I don't have any stock invested in Node, personally, but it sounded like a conclusion had already been made by the asker.

Here's an analogy.

Man to Plumber: "The pipe burst! What happened? I thought that steel could handle that water pressure".

Subtext: Which is it: do I not really know what steel can handle, did you expect lower pressure than you got, or are you just a bad plumber?

jedsmith - I asked the question not to imply that it was because of node, but because the outage correlated back to the post (i.e. spike in traffic) and I honestly wanted to know the cause. It not node, then what? I think it was a perfectly valid question and sorry if I offended you or anyone else.

Fair enough. You didn't offend me, I just see that sort of conclusion quite a bit; I think it was the way you worded it.

I got this while visiting Nodester.com repeatedly:

The application is not running.. ECONNREFUSED, Connection refused

Looks like they have/had some issues at their level.

looks like Nodester ran out of disk space :) It's back online...

Not right now it's not. :-(

nm, it's back up right now, with a good chat going.

For some reason I'm reminded of AIM and I miss AIM. I'm going to start a start-up that remakes AIM that you can log in with Facebook.


You realize that facebook supports xmpp for chat, so you can use any IM client for facebook chat.

It reminded me of AIM/AOL Chat... so I closed it down.

Different strokes for different folks!

Thanks Chris. This is handy, for sure. I gave it some love on The Next Web, if you want to monitor the comments.


We have already received 4 pull requests and merged code with new features and a new UI today! The power of the crowd is amazing!

On Chrome(Win), the windows doesn't autoscroll on joining/leaving announcements. It scrolls normally when a new message arrives.

Someone already fixed it and has a pull request on the github repo. https://github.com/chrismatthieu/CHATS.iO

just merged pull request and scroll is now working!

On Chrome(Mac) as well.

Chrome on win, works well for me ver 10...

Can confirm this.

Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data.

Edit: looks like it's back up!

Chats.io, new HTML5 / Node.JS-powered social group chat, launches... and crashes.

I like this very much, and I would love to see markdown or some other rich markup for chatting.

Would love to see this ported to coffeescript.

I got disconnected after a couple minutes.

Please don't shove an alert in my face. It's rude.

The site never comes up for me.

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