This is semi-unrelated, but indicative: I posted a bug about photos taken in landscape showing up as portrait (ie sideways) if the screen is locked, and it was closed as "we'd like to have this fixed at some point".
How is rotating photos properly not a priority for a messaging app? It's really annoying to have half your photos rotated sideways, and it screams "buggy app" to both participants of the conversation.
I would understand the urgency if this issue would occur in the app when you open it normally but the lock screen? Really?
At this point I'd say you desperately look for something to complain about. Why don't you just not use it and check your PC? There is obviously something wrong with it.
I wasn't talking about desktop with your photo issue.
And I don't know what you mean by screen lock if it's not the lock screen. However, as I said: the photos are properly oriented within the app so whatever your issue is, it can't be that urgent...