How is "edge of Maxwell's Demon" related to "edge of chaos"?
Re: flops. I understand brute force is a good way to simulate dynamics but we constantly solve hard problems by approximation and have gotten pretty far with that approach. So what approximations have been tried and why have they been considered failures?
> "Scientists created fully functional mini-livers out of human skin cells, then successfully transplanted them into rats. The research is a proof-of-concept for potentially revolutionary technology and provides a glimpse of an organ donor-free future." Wow!
That's unrelated to the original points but I see plenty of innovative approaches to problems in biology. Simulating cells is just one way to figure them out and we don't need to figure them out completely through computational means to put them to good uses. Biology is already computronium and if we can understand how to "program" then we don't need to simulate everything.
Re: flops. I understand brute force is a good way to simulate dynamics but we constantly solve hard problems by approximation and have gotten pretty far with that approach. So what approximations have been tried and why have they been considered failures?
Also > "Scientists created fully functional mini-livers out of human skin cells, then successfully transplanted them into rats. The research is a proof-of-concept for potentially revolutionary technology and provides a glimpse of an organ donor-free future." Wow!
That's unrelated to the original points but I see plenty of innovative approaches to problems in biology. Simulating cells is just one way to figure them out and we don't need to figure them out completely through computational means to put them to good uses. Biology is already computronium and if we can understand how to "program" then we don't need to simulate everything.