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> For any Seattle startup folks, just remember that all of Pioneer Square (and then some...) is a liquefaction zone

For that matter, so is a large chunk of the Bay Area.

Whether it's earthquakes, wildfires, bizzards, tornados, hurricanes, etc there is always gouing to be something pretty much wherever you settle.

> For that matter, so is a large chunk of the Bay Area.

More specific?

Anywhere that's reclaimed infill: The Marina, most of Foster City, Treasure Island, parts of Fremont, etc.

Large areas south of market.

liquefaction hazards for SF: http://gmw.consrv.ca.gov/SHMP/download/pdf/ozn_sf.pdf other PDFs: http://gmw.consrv.ca.gov/SHMP/html/pdf_maps_no.html

I found it mildly interesting how the liquifaction areas are colored in a pleasant tone of green.

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