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Indeed. The only reason I know is that I tried a few years back and realized that I was asking the computer to do something that I couldn't even do. Anyone that doubts it, just listen to the NYPD feed and try to transcribe for just a minute or two.


(edit: also, thank you for keeping this service up and running for so long, have been a regular user since the early RR days. Would love to have a comment/live chat option if your backlog is getting bare :))

Ok, here we go: https://feeds.talonvoice.com

Repo is here if you need to report (or just fix :D) bugs in the webapp: https://github.com/lunixbochs/feeds

Whoa this is awesome! Love the option to fix a transcription, should hopefully help with training if you get some traction.

Thanks! I did a lot of tests and no existing ASR I found could do it to 100%, so I'm using the best ASR I could find and hoping users will help with transcriptions if they want to see it succeed and scale.

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