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> I (we) really want to learn what a proper setup would look like

Signing and authentication keys are expendable but encryption keys are worth keeping even after they've been rotated since decryption of existing data may be necessary.

The key can be printed on paper and stored in a physical safe. Paper isn't a high density storage medium but it is remarkably durable and perfect for small amounts of data such as encryption keys. It also counts as an offline backup.

Keys can also be printed as QR codes. They support error correction and enable automatic data restoration. Even 4096 bit RSA keys fit in a binary mode QR code and the smaller ECC keys allow use of high error correction modes, making the data even more durable.

I wrote a binary decoding feature for ZBar in order to support this exact use case:

  zbarcam --raw --oneshot -Sbinary > key
It's available on version 0.23.1 and above.

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