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Wait, what?

> The absolute truth is that each and every one > of us can build a business that can support us. > ... > In truth, there is no reason to fail – other > than failing to learn from your mistakes.

Yes, maybe we can - eventually. But while we're building it, we still need a paycheck. Building a profitable business doesn't seem like the kind of thing you can do in your spare time, unless you're willing to sacrifice absolutely everything else in your life.

> But even better, once you have the knowledge that comes > along with building a succesful $10k/month business, you > also posses the exact same knowledge that it takes to > build a $100k/month business.

And then, why not a $1M/month business? And then $10M/month! Etc! Etc!

I'm pretty sure that a $100k/month business is an outlier, too, it's just closer to the center of the bell curve than Facebook, but still pretty dang far away from everyone else.

Myself & Jason (techzing) are both building businesses on the side. Our paycheck come from consultancy. We both lead very fulfilling lives as well as building our side projects... :)

How many hours a week do you spend on your consulting gigs, how many on side projects, and how many on your personal lives?

Not trying to pull a GOTCHA, SEE, YOUR NUMBERS DON'T ADD UP, genuinely curious.

Hopefully Jasons post can help to answer that:


That was my story too for some time. Working on gridspy (still sub-profitable) while also holding down a fulltime job. See http://blog.gridspy.co.nz/2010/02/part-time-entrepreneur.htm...

Now I'm contracting on the side while working on Gridspy. It is a hard slog, but totally worth it. We are creating a increasingly professional offering. I'm really looking forward to when we go to market and start selling this thing. Now I have the next problem - how much to contract (money) vs how much to work on Gridspy? http://blog.gridspy.co.nz/2010/06/breaking-away-from-the-man...

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