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I dislike websites like this and their agenda. They are fueling the racial war instead of trying to fight it.

It makes it seem like this is a white against black thing and it most surely isn't (or at the very least not primarily).

For one, they add "Hispanic" in to the mix just to hint how Whites discriminate against them too, but less. However "Asian" is usually left out because they are killed and persecuted even less than "White" so that doesn't go well with the narrative.

Also, a good portion of the police force is non-white, but the front cover stories are always of a white cop killing a black man.

Police deal with criminal activity which is correlated with skin color (through poverty most likely), so it's harder to prove that the numbers are even higher than they're expected to be.

Of course apparent atrocities like George Floyd are terrible and the officers involved should be prosecuted and the rage is understandable, but the race card shouldn't be played too easily otherwise the situation is just perpetuated.

Where did you get "white against black thing"? This "agenda" is entirely in your head since the website is quite clearly a "police against black thing".

The fact that you are associating police with "white" in your head and getting upset about it is a huge part of this problem.

From this quote "Black people are 3x more likely to be killed by police than white people".

Perhaps the interpretation is indeed only in my head but it seems that a white cop killing a black perpetrator will generate substantially more attention and rage than any other racial combination. This in turn fuels the confirmation bias that make it seem that (white) police are just shooting unarmed black people left and right. The same site shows that black people are "only" 1.3x times more likely to be unarmed compared to white meaning that it happens a lot yet how many stories of unarmed white deaths caused mass riots?

A quote such as above implies causation, yet the numbers while technically true, don't. For example "White people are 3x times more likely to be killed by police than Asian/Pacific Islanders" is also true [0]. Also, the same source shows that "Men are 20x times more likely to be killed by police than women". All these quotes have the same structure yet only cause outrage (and imply causation) when the race/genders are in an order that confirms an implicit agenda such as white>black or men>women.

My point is that police brutality, like most things, is complicated and has many factors in play and allowing it to be hijacked to a racial discussion as "police against black thing" isn't doing anyone any good.

[0] https://www.pnas.org/content/116/34/16793

> From this quote "Black people are 3x more likely to be killed by police than white people".

How is that a "white vs black thing"? That's direct evidence of the sites premise; police are more likely to be deadly violent towards black people.

The site makes no claim to causation, it's just numbers. The rest of your numbers are "whataboutism" but also continue to show that the way the police operate is problematic. That police are more likely to be brutal towards men than women is another issue, not the issue this site is trying to raise awareness off.

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