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Looking from outside USA seems to be on a verge of a revolution, and not because of these particular riots, it's just a symptom of lots of systematic failures.

Crazy high incarceration levels for a developed country, high crime levels, huge number of healthcare-related bankrupcies, low level of higher education and inescapable student's debt gating higher class jobs, huge inequalities, decreasing standards of living for the middle class.

Basically it looks like either the system will change or fail altogether.

I'm not even sure these riots are about race.

It seems, but it's not true. There is no well defined organization or any other structure behind these protests, no funding and no force. Revolution is always about army, and I don't think U.S. army will go against U.S. police or at least stay neutral.

From another side, in my country, when a few people were hurt (but not killed) by police, during police operation, it ended with months of protests. And also, I hardly understand U.S. people at all. If a police officer in my country would stand on a person's neck, in public, I am absolutely sure people would start shouting at him, throwing stones and so similar things up to pulling him off that person in direct physical confrontation.

Don;t get me wrong, we respect police. But we are not afraid of police. They serve us, we are not their cattle. From perspective of my culture, which I'm not stating is the best, U.S. people with all their amendments look like voiceless lambs. Police officer drives into crowd and crowd lets that car through. They do not break glass, do not cut tires, do not pull that officer off the car to describe with expressive gestures how upset they are by his actions.

> And also, I hardly understand U.S. people at all. If a police officer in my country would stand on a person's neck, in public, I am absolutely sure people would start shouting at him, throwing stones and so similar things up to pulling him off that person in direct physical confrontation.

For a comparison here's an intervention from my city that got viral a few months ago:


Everybody involved is white, but here everybody is white, it's just not a factor.

How much violence was there when the Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa became the Rzeczpospolita Polska?

The US transition to end slavery (ca 1860) was very violent, and the US attempt to end lynching (ca 1960) was not without deaths.

Much more. 90s were a pretty violent period, there was a lot of organized crime. It mostly solved itself by mid 00s for several reasons related to EU accession.

That's a bummer. You all managed to have a bloodless revolution, then got lots of violence in return. Sorry to hear, but glad it's much better now.

EXACTLY what I am talking about.

You’re correct. Contrary to characteristically similar protest efforts in the US during the past decade, the protesters on the ground this time care very little about race. That is only the media narrative. Class consciousness is increasing fast.

> Looking from outside USA seems to be on a verge of a revolution

I imagine it's impossible to see an accurate picture of the US through the distorted lens of both the news media and social media.

We need better media tools.

For most of us here - things are normal.

> Looking from outside USA seems to be on a verge of a revolution

I imagine it's impossible to see an accurate picture of the US through the distorted lens of both the news media and social media.

We need better media tools.

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