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It doesn't make sense to compare absolute number of deaths across different cities. You need to normalise against number of police interactions with the public (approximated by population size * crime rate).

With my geographer hat on - and not being from the US, so I don't instinctively know where all the cities are - I was disappointed not to see a static display of deaths on a map. Ideally with the option to normalize at the users choice, both by population size alone, and by the crime rate suggestion above. The best sort of display would probably be circles for each city or state that scale in size, as choropleth maps tend to under-represent small areas.

I don't mean to criticize the animated map, as it's impactful, just not very good for understanding the geography of the problem. e.g. are all US cities like this, or is it disproportionately a few of them? is the problem clustered spatially in particular regions?

Scroll down a bit for the graph contrasting violent crime rate per 1K population (according to some metric) to police killings per 1M population. Really interesting seeing absolutely no correlation.

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