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A lot of the advice so far is general "what to do in college" type stuff, but to specifically address the OP's question, "what should I do now (entering a CS program) to give me an advantage getting a job"? It's a pretty shortlist:

1) Work on projects that matter. In college this would mean finding a professor who does research, and working your way into the lab. It could also mean building apps for friends, or helping out in open source. Just solve problems you think are important, and where the solution is visible.

2) Get good grades and take an academic approach to classes. Don't grade grub or complain, just try to learn.

3) If it hasn't happened during the above two tasks, make sure you learn a toolchain that is similar to the industry workflows people are using with source control, testing, deployment, et cetera. You don't have to do this, but it will be easier to hire you into jobs using X if you have used X non-trivially.

4) Look hard for summer internships, and if you can't find one you like, do a part time project over the summer.

Good luck!

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