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> I'm more interested in knowing what I should do now to give me an advantage in getting a job or otherwise.

Always stay curious, challenge yourself, and have fun.

Take charge of your education, talk to your professors during class, visit them during office hours, interrupt the class to ask questions when you don't understand. I was always scared to be noisy in public, but finally discovered in a grad school math class that when I didn't get it and I spoke up, other people in the class would thank me later because they were in the same boat, and I learned faster.

Try to find an undergrad research project.

Do an internship between junior & senior year.

When you're a senior, start researching which companies you like. Read about job interviews and how to do well. Practice some job interviews! You'll be ahead of the majority of applicants if you do any practicing at all. Learn what companies want. (Hint: superior coding skills often aren't the top item in their list.)

Also, exercise (I'm not kidding, it doesn't matter how, but this will help your CS career, your life, and your job prospects.)

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