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I have written and maintained a piece of testing/control software. It was originally horrible “old” spaghetti Labview. I maintained it for a while then wrote a replacement with Labview’s actor framework. I agree that the AF seems to be the only reasonable way to write certain kinds of larger application. However, the actor framework was, for me, just barely good enough to be usable.

- The debugging story is very bad: There were community efforts to write some tools to help, but they amounted to downloading software from a forum post.

- Development is incredibly tedious: Creating a new actor, or message, or (god forbid) implementation of an abstract message. They all take SO many clicks across lots of files in a slow IDE. Tedious and error prone.

- Distributing actors across nodes is not supported by the framework.

- There is no concept of supervision trees, so if you want “let it crash” robustness, you’ll be writing that yourself

I wish it were different, because at its heart I kind of love the idea of a strongly-typed dataflow language.

Edit: I want to point out that despite how personally ugly I found the experience, I’m not sure there was a better choice. I would love to have used Elixir, but what (non-software) engineering company can hire for that?

I agree with your complaints. Indeed, implementing an abstract message is awkward, although there was a specific version that did improve the project interface to make that easier at some point. I remember a relief of "finally". Haha. The right-click menu for the actor framework is implemented using project providers and LabVIEW scripting, both of which need massive improvement. It's an awkward process to even get the license to implement project providers as a user. I've just ignored them because I'd rather just write custom tools off to the side that use LabVIEW's application control system manually. And there's also a lot of ideas I have that require scripting, but it's not an easy system to use.

I also agree with the actor framework being too bare bones, and there are plenty of things I disagree with in the design. That's why I extended it myself to add in additional support. For example, I added built in messages to notify when an actor is ready, a publish/subscribe mechanism to break out of the recommended hierarchical setup when needed, a streaming actor that you can subscribe to the data it streams out via messages, a finite state machine actor that allows state transitions triggered by messages or internal requests and message mechanisms to notify when this happens to subscribers of the state updates, and some more.

> There is no concept of supervision trees, so if you want “let it crash” robustness, you’ll be writing that yourself

Yea. I recently learned Elixir/Erlang to some degree. I'd like to have an OTP-like system in LabVIEW. The above extensions are actually already close in some ways. For example, the FSM actor I made is similar to gen_fsm or gen_statem in OTP.

> I want to point out that despite how personally ugly I found the experience, I’m not sure there was a better choice.

Therein lies the rub. I've searched for one. Despite my complaints about LabVIEW, I end up finding other systems even harder to work with for these applications. Elixir/Erlang are great, but developing a user interface with them will require web-technologies. C#/F#/.NET is the other system I've identified, but it's a fairly complicated ecosystem. And what language allows me to do desktop apps, web apps, web servers, real-time deterministic programming, and FPGA programming all in the same language and environment? It's a tough feature set to replicate and replace.

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