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> When I hear your first point, I consider the possibility that these are not retaliatory murders, but rather ways to keep something secret.

That contains as much conspiracy as "somebody is hunting down the protestors".

There are simpler possible explanations, I believe, e.g. people who join (or organize) riots are usually not the stable boring kind that live long, predictable lives full of planning and quiet afternoons. Drugs, crime, violence and mental health issues are probably more prevalent in that group than in the general population.

There are definitely much simpler explanations, and they are true 99.9% of the time. I think it's worth considering the complex explanations for the exceedingly rare times they happen to be true, especially if the complex explanations claim the stakes are high.

This is pure speculation devoid of knowing anything about the particular people involved. Social justice organizers are often offbeat individuals, but they are usually sincere principled people that like most of us are not interested in dying. There's not a lot to personally gain from organizing, but there is a lot of baseless aspersions that get cast at you so thanks for contributing.

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