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Kubernetes is getting more popular because:

1) It solves many different universal, infrastructure-level problems. 2) More people are using containers. K8s helps you to manage containers. 3) It's vendor agnostic. It's easy to relocate a k8s application to a different cluster 5) People see that it's growing in popularity. 6) It's Open source. 7) It helps famous companies run large-scale systems. 8) People think that it looks good on a resume and they want to work at a well known company. 9) Once you've mastered K8s, it's easy to use on problems big and small. (Note, I'm not talking about installing and administrating the cluster. I'm talking about being a cluster user.) 10) It's controversial which means that people keep talking about it. This gives K8s mind share.

I'm not saying K8s doesn't have issues or downsides.

1) It's a pain to install and manage on your own. 2) It's a lot to learn--especially if you don't think you're gonna use most of it's features. 3) While the documentation has improved a lot, it's still weak and directionless in places.

I think K8s is growing more popular because it's pros strongly outweigh it's cons.

(Note I tried to be unbiased on the subject, but I am a K8s fan--so much so that I wrote a video course on the subject: https://www.true-kubernetes.com/. So, take my opinions with a grain of salt.)

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