> The latest Chrome Dev Channel release comes with a new Chrome logo that's more plain and boring [...] Chrome lost some of its magic by switching to a visual identity that's no longer vibrant and picturesque
Wow. My thoughts exactly when seeing the new logo, but I'm surprised Google would put it this way!
Well, plain is not necessarily boring. In most cases, including this one, I prefer the plain version. One example other than Chrome is Pepsi, the new plain logo looks so much better to me than the sort-of-3D old one. I guess it's very subjective.
Yes it is ;-) There was a post on HN some time ago showing how old logos were in many cases so much better than new ones, and Pepsi was amongst them.
But, Google being Google, maybe they tested it? The problem with tests, I think, is that it favors bland versions because they upset the least; this new logo kind of smells of "design by committee", no?
I subscribe to this blog rather than the official Google blogs for this reason. I get to hear about the interesting new features, but none of the marketing spin from Google themselves.
Wow. My thoughts exactly when seeing the new logo, but I'm surprised Google would put it this way!
> An unofficial blog...
Ah, that makes sense.