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I have a feel most articles against it aren't based on anything substantial and are simply made by people who personally don't like remote work. "If I don't like remote work, then how come anybody can?"

We seem to have a lot of self-centered people floating around in their own spheres of interest. "I had this experience, I'm most people, so most people should agree".

I thought HN would be different from reddit, but it those differences seem only superficial.

I feel like it goes both ways.

A lot of the WFH discussion on HN goes something like this:

“I’m a senior SWE working remotely for ten years, I make $200k+, never work if I don’t want to, wake up whenever I want to, go hiking during the day etc. It’s so great!” (Obviously an exaggerated simplification here).

Well great that it works for you, but that will not translate for a huge swath of the working population.

I do agree that for SWEs and others who are able to and enjoy spending their time working independently, that WFH is likely a godsend.

HN self selects for those types of workers, so it makes sense that is the most prominent opinion here on the board.

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